Magazine Biographies

I’m going to start with three stories that came from an interview I was privileged to do with oilfield legend Clayton Williams in about 2017, for Bob Callender’s Oil and Gas The Industry Magazine. When he let us into his ClayDesta office–part of a northeast Midland complex he had built in the 1980s, when everyone else was downtown–he rubbed his hands together gleefully and crowed, “I haven’t had anyone to tell my stories to in a long time!”
What ensued was 90 minutes of laughter, tears, and inspiration.  I’m excited to share these glimpses with you!

Laugh, play, work: The Clayton William philosophy of life .

“Do the best you can and don’t take life too serious.” Will Rogers

“Don’t look back. Something might be gaining on you.” Satchel Paige

It may seem strange to open a story about one of the most quotable characters in modern history with other people’s lines, but these are two of Clayton Williams Jr.’s favorites. And both ends of the equation in the Will Rogers quote—doing your best and having the proper amount of levity—go a long way toward defining this Texas icon.
Actually, putting “define” and “Clayton Williams” in the same sentence is risky business.

That’s how my first of three stories about legend Clayton Williams, for Oil and Gas the Industry starts. Here’s a link to the whole story:

Clayton Williams, Installment Two

When wife Modesta broke his jaw:

Clayton Williams, Jr. & a Life Full of Surprises! A Right Cross, Success from Failure and an Atypical Drilling Partnership

It was the right cross that did him in: chipped his tooth and put him out for the evening. But the worst part? He never saw it coming.

Here’s the link to the story:

Autry Stephens of Endeavor–another legendary man and company in the Oil Patch. He was the Permian Basin Petroleum Association’s Top Hand for 2021. In truth, he’s a Top Hand for the ages.

One Man’s Endeavors

After a career spanning almost 60 years, in which he founded several companies and mentored many individuals in the business, Endeavor Energy Resources LP founder Autry Stephens will be honored as the PBPA’s Top Hand for 2021. In 2018 the Dallas Morning News called Endeavor “the largest closely held oil producer in Texas by production volume.” Big Dog Drilling, founded in 1996, is one of several other companies Stephens has opened in his long career.

Here’s a link to the story I did on him in the Permian Basin Oil and Gas Magazine.

“Everyone here expects you to grow up and do NOTHING,” Brian Sheffield’s father, Scott Sheffield, used to tell his son when they attended industry functions. The not-so-subtle purpose was to light a fire under the younger Sheffield to excel; to prove himself.

It worked! Here’s my PBOG story on Brian Sheffield

You may ask, Why should I have Paul tell the story of my company, my family, my career, my life?
For one thing, only a dedicated human storyteller can do that–AI would make your tale about as passionate as that phone answering monotone telling you to press one. I’ll capture the life, the love, the passion of your story. To quote an old song,
“Brandy used to watch his eyes when he told his sailor stories
She could feel the ocean fall and rise
She saw its raging glory.”

Call me at 432-559-3043 or email me at and let’s talk about your story and what it can do for your business, your family, your legacy.